Sunday, June 15, 2008

No More Naps

We have been fighting Gabe to go to bed at night for probably a good 4 or 5 months. He would nap and then not go to bed until ten. We would put him in the bed at 8:30 every night, but he got up several times every night. I was not ready to give up my "alone time" during the day so we kept this routine up. Finally, this week I gave in. And you know what? It really hasn't been that bad. Gabe still has his quiet time every afternoon while Shelby sleeps and I am still able to get some things done. But the most beautiful part is that my little boy now goes down by 8 WITHOUT a fight. We are actually having peaceful evenings again and it's so nice. Here is a picture I took from a recent nap. Now we are going to work on getting rid of the pacis.