Saturday, June 20, 2009

Funny Things Kids Say

Shelby told Charlie (the dog): "No, no, no, Chawie mye feesh (goldfish)."
Gabe told Shelby: "You can share my privacy with me this time." He usually goes to the bathroom by himself and tells her, "No Shelby, this is my private time."
I said to Shelby: "No ma'm. You cannot touch that picture frame." She said back to me, "No, no ma'm."
Gabe said to Jonah: "Did you know you used to be in mommy's tummy? Now you are out in the world and you eat a lot."
Shelby told Gabe: "NOOOOO Gaaaa, mye baw (my ball)."

The conversations in this house get more interesting everyday. I am going to invest in some good earplugs once they all start really talking to each other :)