Thursday, December 27, 2007

8 Weeks Old

I cannot believe how fast and slow these past weeks have been. Shelby has changed so much in such a short amount of time. She is holding her head up and smiling and cooing at anybody that comes around. I gave her some tummy time on the Boppy the other day and she was just wiggling all around. The past few nights she has slept eight hours straight and seems to be taking better naps during the day. She is still in Newborn clothes but weighs a little over 11 pounds. She looked like she was losing her hair for a few weeks, but now it's coming back and it's brown. Once she is consistantly sleeping that long stretch we will be putting her in the room with Gabe. And speaking of Gabe, he has been such a great big brother so far. He gets a little rough sometimes, but Shelby doesn't complain much. He does kiss her a lot and tells her he loves her all the time. Jeremy and I are certainly in need of alone time but are just happy to have two healthy and happy children. And shelby already has Jeremy wrapped around her teeny pinky.

Tis the Season

Well we had a great Christmas with my family this year. Gabe got some awesome gifts including a pirate ship, Elmo Drill, remote control truck and a huge chair for him to lounge in. He was hilarious unwrapping all the gifts. If it was a box that he couldn't see what was inside, he would just throw the box and open something else. Shelby slept through the opening of presents (of course). We went to my Aunt and Uncle's house for lunch and we had a wonderful feast. There were eleven of us total including the two babies. We played games, watched The Grinch (who's idea do you think that was?) and Home Alone. Shelby was overwhelmed from all the action and decided to nap in the "Peanut". Gabe had to go home and nap for a while as well. By the time the day was over, we had all eaten too much and laughed so much our bellies hurt. It was really a fun holiday and I am so glad we have these two wild children to remind us how exciting it can be.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Gabriel's New Vocabulary

Over the past month Gabe has really begun to speak more clearly and put sentences together. It is amazing to hear his speech change. I can carry on a small conversation with him now and some of the things he says are so hilarious. He repeats lines from his cartoons or something Jeremy or I have said to him. I think it's so crazy how fast children grow and change. I can tell when his little brain is working really hard to come up with something to say. And the cutest thing of all is that he tries to carry on a conversation with Shelby. He will tell her what he is doing or watching and ask if she likes it. He explains the book he is looking at or the page he is coloring. I am so glad that we were able to give him a sibling. Even though soon I know he will be mad that she is touching his things. But for now, I am enjoying watching him be a great big brother.

The Six Hour Nap

I had no idea that babies could do this, but my daughter did yesterday. She fought going to sleep all morning and then at twelve she finally gave in. I woke her at 2 to eat and she fell back asleep until 6. I had to wake her then too. I couldn't believe it. And the only reason why I didn't freak out was the pediatrician had told me at our last visit that some babies do this. I didn't really believe her, but Shelby proved Dr. Harper right. And thankfully she still did her regular routine last night. Hallelujah for babies that sleep.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Crying, Crying, Crying

Wow. I had almost forgotten what it feels like to have a baby that cries a lot. Gabe cried most of the time he was awake until 3 months old. I have lucked out with Shelby until now. The past few days she has been extremely fussy in the afternoon and evening. She will go down for her nap only to wake a little while later and cry. Then she falls asleep for a bit and wakes up crying again. AAGGHHH. She will sleep in the sling I have but she is getting heavier everyday and when she is in it for a long period of time my back hurts. I hope this is just a phase and she will begin to sleep better. On a positive note, she is sleeping longer at night. Last night she slept from 12:30 to 6. Hopefully this time will begin to get longer soon. But for only being six weeks old, she is doing well. Thank goodness Gabe is a good sleeper. He is still taking his naps and sleeping until 7 or 8 in the morning.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Shelby's First Photo Shoot

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