Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Signs of A Growing Boy

This morning Gabe got in the bed with me. He normally won't do this, but he just crawled right in and laid beside me. He started asking about Jonah and then told my belly/Jonah that he is going to let the baby sleep in his bed, teach him how to hunt dinosaurs and give him his bottle. Then he kissed my belly button and said, "I wuv you baby Jonah, okay go to bed". I was so touched by his innocence and love. He will probably end up picking on Jonah just like he does Shelby, but the moment was too sweet. Gabe is growing and changing so much and I love it. The conversations we have now are so much fun and he makes me laugh with many of the things he says. I enjoy having babies around, but I am starting to really love having a child that is discovering the world and can talk to me about it. I love hearing him sing songs to himself as we drive down the road or hear him play pirates in his room as he does all the different voices. Of course he has his 3-year-old moments when I want to pull my hair out and his, but what parent doesn't deal with that? Gabe is a great kid and I am so glad he is ours.