Saturday, June 09, 2007

A Bit of Freedom

Wow. It has been so nice having some time to myself. Gabe went to stay with my parents for 4 days and I have had some wonderful alone time. When I talked to my Mom she said she was exhausted and I knew just how she felt. But I am glad that she and my Dad enjoyed having him for the week. I actually went to playgroup without a child. It was really great spending time with my friends without having to worry about nap time or diaper change. I enjoyed being around everyone with no worries. I also got some packing done so that is one less thing to worry about when the time comes to move. I have read some books, worked on Sudoku puzzles and basically layed on the couch. Jeremy and I have savored the quiet evenings alone and ironically spent most of the time talking about Gabe and Shelby. Thankfully Jeremy is finally starting to get home at a very decent time and will soon have a normal work schedule. Poor thing, he hasn't had that since we moved here almost one year ago. He has done a lot of sleeping lately, which I am sure he needs at least a week to catch up on all he's missed. Every time I spoke with Gabe on the phone he sounded completely content which helped me feel more comfortable with him being gone. I have missed him, but I feel rejuvenated and ready to take care of my little wild man again ( until the next break).