Monday, September 01, 2008

Potty Training Success and The Paci Fairy

There have been a few big strides made in Gabe's life that have taken him from the toddler world to the Pre-K world. Last week, he finally began pooping in the potty. SUCCESS. After almost 9 months, he finally has it. He still wears a diaper at night but that is something we will tackle later. Gabe has been so proud of himself and we are proud too. It's a great day when there is only one bottom in the house to clean.

And the paci fairy finally made her way to Gabe's room last night. We had been telling Gabe that is was time to give the pacis to another baby that needed them. We explained how sweet and kind the fairy is and that she would make sure the right baby got his sacred plugs. "She" left Gabe a Spider Man lunch box, a tri-ceratops and Transformer underwear. He was more excited about the underwear than anything else. Tonight was hard for him, but after singing about a dozen times and Jeremy and I both giving lots of hugs and kisses, Gabe finally went to sleep. I can't believe that changes he has made over the summer and just this past week. And tomorrow, he starts Mother's Day Out. Our baby is not a baby anymore :)


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Who would think that pooping in the potty could be such a success story but I am so happy for you. I know this has been such a struggle for your family and I am so glad Gabe has conquered it. It's exciting to see your family growing.