Saturday, May 10, 2008

Just An Update

This week has been stressful to say the least. We do not have our internet service yet so I am "stealing" someone else's wireless service when I can. Our apartment has very old appliances and we have had several problems including the dish washer literally smoking. When we left Diamondhead, we left behind Keith's ladder and Cherie and Joel's lawnmower and gas can. We found out soon after we left that the items were gone, STOLEN. I am so mad about that. I cannot believe someone went over there right after we left and just took what they wanted.

Gabe has been acting out (that's putting it mildly) but seems to have some good moments too. Shelby is cutting her first tooth and crawling (slowly) all over the place. We went to the zoo today, which was fun but a bit difficult with 2 kids. San Antonio is pretty cool so far and we went to our first play date this past Friday which was a lot of fun. We met some nice moms and kids and hope to become more active.

There are only seven boxes left to unpack and then it will be done. I hope to get the kids to the pool this week, it's been in the 90's here.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about the appliances. That's so hard. I'm glad that you made it to the playdate and had fun. I'm really hoping this group provides some real friends for you and for Gabe and Shelby.

Only seven boxes to go? That's amazing! Way to go, Sarah!

Miss you here but glad to hear you're getting settled in. Take care.